Artist in Residence - Learning and Engagement

Charlotte Donovan, Artist-in-Residence: Learning and Engagement

July 2018 to March 2019 and November 2019 to January 2020

[un-] intentional moments is a project which aims to create a series of new opportunities for the people of West Cork.  The title refers to Charlotte’s own art practice: based on a considered and developed approach of individual and group interactions and engagements - where conversations may lead to collaboration and investigations towards discovery.  Encounters may be planned, or accidental, but each moment always awarded close attention and careful intention.

The residency programme will be developed in response to the rich and diverse programme at Uillinn. 

It will be delivered in three strands:

  • Creative and learning encounters for the local community, visitors to West Cork Art Centre, primary and second level schools, young people, families, local artists, Uillinn members and friends.
  • Sharing of the work.
  • Studio time to establish the programme of work and for in-depth examination, research and continued reflection of her practice: 2 October 2018 to 5 February 2019.

Information and updates about the residency will be on the Uillinn website and social media. A visual record of the project as it progresses will be on

Charlotte Donovan studied Fine Art Printmaking at Glasgow School of Art.  She has worked as a socially engaged collaborative artist in community and healthcare settings for over 25 years.  Charlotte came to Ireland from Scotland in 2005, and was Triskel Art Centre’s full time artist-in-residence in St Finbarr’s Hospital for 3 years. For 10 years she has co-ordinated a Community Arts for Health Programme and a Community Garden in Knocknaheeny, Cork, for Niche Health Project.  Charlotte has lived in West Cork for 12 years and also undertakes a variety of freelance participatory, curatorial and consultancy projects as well as public and private commissions.

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