Governance Code

Registered Address: West Cork Arts Centre Company Limited by Guarantee, Uillinn, Skibbereen, Co. Cork, Ireland

Charity Number: 10257

Registration Charity Number (RCN): 20026035

We confirm that from 2023 West Cork Arts Centre CLG is in compliance with The Charities Governance Code.

See the Charities Register here.

We confirm that we are in compliance with the Charities SORP. (Statement of Recommended Practice that sets out how charities should prepare their annual accounts and report on their finances)

We are committed to compliance with the Arts Council Recommended Guidelines for Financial Reporting and to Standard A on the Governance Transparency Scale for organisations in receipt of recurring Arts Council funding.

West Cork Arts Centre has considered and adopted the SAFE TO CREATE CODE OF BEHAVIOUR and pledged to create a safe, inclusive, respectful workplace where artists and arts workers can thrive, free from all forms of harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence.

Please see a copy of our 2023 Audited Accounts here.

Please see our Constitution here.

Senior Staff Remuneration (inc ERPRSI)

Band €30,000 - €39,999 Operations and Facilities Manager

Band €40,000 – €49,999 Programme Manager

Band €50,000 – €59,999 Artistic Director/CEO

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