Hazel Cardew

Hazel Cardew
#2 A Linear Language  
Studio 2
6 August to 27 August, 2022

Beginning with mark marking, Hazel’s drawing-based practice shifts from one state to another, with notable transitions into sculpture and installation. The work favours high contrast black and white applications with significant attention paid to balance, rhythm and space. In more recent collaborative endeavours, sound and movement are transcribed, or interpreted via drawing, with the role of ‘the line’ slowly being untangled.

"It is often within the transition between states that I am most inspired. Different disciplines will ‘speak to' and interpret one other in different ways, and I find this encourages me to further understand the drawing works as a language in itself."

Theory and research in movement notation, graphic scores, improvisation and chance operations are all influential. The work is pushing for a more immersive and dynamic experience of drawing, and often reflects back the persistent order of nature.

During her residency period at Uillinn West Cork Arts Centre Hazel Cardew (UK) will continue developing her drawing-based practice in a new project - A Linear Language. This project aims to examine the edges between drawing and movement, approached through exploration of scores and research in dance notation and instructional drawing. 


Open studio day  
Studio 2
24 August 2022

Come and see what she has been up to during her time at the arts centre on Wednesday 24th August - Hazel’s studio door will be open all day, so be sure to drop in to see the work and chat to the artist.

A Linear Language: collaborative discovery  
Dance studio
13 August 2022 

This project has included collaborative work with aerialist and artist Emily Aoibheann (IRE) which began remotely in January 2022. Through creative exchange ranging from dialogue to shared studio practice, the collaboration has explored drawing as instruction in aerial movement, and vice-versa, as the artists moved between instruction and interpretation. Informed by dance notation and graphic scoring, and inspired by ideas of emergence, intention, and artist authority, this collaboration has pushed the boundaries of the project with exciting results. Public sharing of work on Saturday 13th August. See here for further details. 

#1 A Linear Language (remote)
July 17 to August 7, 2021 

In this first of a two part residency with Uillinn, visual artist Hazel Cardew (Wales, UK) embarks on a research project, A Linear Language seeking to explore drawing as visual communication or instruction for other outlets such as sound and movement. The project will involve collaborative exploration with dance and performance artists, alongside research grounded in graphic scoring, dance notation and the principals of structure, both on and off the page.

In a two part online engagement 7 & 12 August, Hazel invited participants to explore graphic scores - an experimental way of depicting or recording sound, movement or even stories. They can work as a guide, instruction or map for performers to respond to. They can also be a response or recording of a place or action. It is a wonderfully creative way to convey sensory experiences – through drawing, anything can be notated.


Hazel Cardew graduated with a first class honours BA in Fine Arts from the University of  Gloucestershire in 2012. She has since exhibited in UK and international group shows, completing her first solo show Of Line and Structure at Elysium Gallery Swansea in 2019. Cardew currently lives and works in South West Wales and will be embarking on her first international residency at the Uillinn: West  Cork Arts Centre. Supported by Arts Council Wales, Cardew will be conducting remote activities in 2021 and in person during summer 2022.

Cardew has received an award from Arts Council Wales and an Uillinn Studio Residency Award to continue her research at Uillinn in August 2022 alongside the Beyond Drawing Exhibition.

IG @HazelCardew
Tw @HazelCardew

WCAC acknowledges the financial support of the Arts Council and Cork County Council in making these residencies possible. 

Images: Photographs by Tomasz Madajczak

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