Jennifer Redmond - The Free Treasure Project

The Free Treasure Project
Jennifer Redmond
8 May to 8 August 2017

Studio 2
Studio open to the public on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and by appointment.

The Free Treasure Project is designed by Cork based artist, Jennifer Redmond to counter the value-limiting effects of artificial intelligence and social media on society. Integrated social media platforms are used as a convivial tool to develop a sense of community. “Free Treasure” might be defined as an accumulation of precious possessions - a trophy with intrinsic worth that is not monetized.
Jennifer will facilitate a number of public events, and a social media campaign designed to reconnect with the values of our past while embracing the technological developments that are our present experience. The local community are invited to share their knowledge, old and new with the experiences of Summer visitors through the hunt for “free treasure”. These events include:

Food Heritage: Tuesday 23 May at 2.00pm
Food is so fundamental to our survival that we seem primed to form strong memories about it. In this workshop, we will get together to devise a collection of lost recipes. We will talk about how to source their ingredients and devise an online comfort food recipe archive. If you have a recipe handed down to you –a secret treasure - why not share it with your community rather than loose it forever?

Draw difference-difference as treasure: Wednesday 2 August 2.00pm to 4.30pm, €10.
As part of Uillinn's Summer Youth Arts Programme (12-18s) Jennifer will facilitate a workshop for teens, using collage and the exquisite corpse technique (a method used by the Surrealists, by which words / images are collectively assembled) to construct versions of our future selves.

Jennifer Redmond is a visual artist and educator based in Cork. Her work looks at ways to think about the complexities of our era, about information, and networks of systems. She has recently completed a residency at Parity Studios in UCD where her research into the morphology and co-evolutionary role of parasites led her to developing artificially intelligent social media bots. Her core practice is centered on drawing, but lens based, digital media and interactive public events are also used to articulate these concerns. Using social media as a platform and a Twitter bot as a medium, she investigates the changing world of information and communication. Jennifer is a graduate of TCD and has an MA in Art and Process from CIT Cork. She has received awards from Temple Bar Gallery and Studios and was the recipient of the Neville Johnson Award in UCD in 2016.

A visual record of all of the events will be posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. Stay in the loop - follow, like and share. If you are interested in participating in the project or wish to know more it, please contact the artist by emailing her








WCAC acknowledges the financial support of the Arts Council and Cork County Council in making these residencies possible.

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