Maritime Residency

Caroline Boyfield & Laure Colomer

15 to 21 May 2024

Studio will be open to the public on 16 May and 20 May.

MARITIME is a project by the artist collective Embardée led by Caroline BOYFIELD and Laure COLOMER, two emerging artists from Brittany, who are taking part in residencies at Sirius Arts Centres and Uillinn West Cork Arts Centre Studios.

Caroline is inspired by the 'boat' as an insular closed space, which exists between two places and is closed in on itself, whilst at the same time given over to the infinity of the sea. The boat, navigation and points of departure and arrival are metaphors for journeys through life, time and space. Laure will work with sea myths to develop a new body of sculptural work.

The artists intent for the residency is to investigate new ways of thinking about the interaction between visual and written language, making connections between the landscapes of both countries, the Breton and Irish languages, poetry and myths.

Whilst in West Cork, the artists will lead a drawing workshop on 18/05 as part of National Drawing Day. Booking essential here:

The two artists will present work with Sample Studios members Rebecca Bradley and Ida Mitrani at Triskel Arts Centre from 26/06 until 02/09.

Caroline BOYFIELD is a french visual artist who studied at Cardiff College of Art and De Montfort University in the UK. She currently lives in St Pol-de-Léon in Brittany. Caroline favours a mixed media approach to a range of subjects. Her current work is based on maritime journeys, navigation, points of departure and arrival between physical and poetic worlds.

Laure COLOMER is a french artist who studied at the École des Beaux Arts in Paris, learning sculpture in the studio of Richard Deacon and video with Dominique Belloir. She lives and works in Morlaix in Brittany. Laure is interested in the borders between realms, between animal and human, the passage between night and day, sea and land. In her work litterature is embodied in sculpture.


WCAC acknowledges the financial support of the Arts Council and Cork County Council in making these residencies possible. 

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