REWIND<<FASTFORWARD>>RECORD: Revising the Rainbow (RFR).
Level 2
12 July to 1 August

REWIND<<FASTFORWARD>>RECORD: Revising the Rainbow (RFR) is a project aimed at engaging with LGBTQ+ community groups on a national platform to uncover local queer histories and expand their retelling and relevance through artistic interpretation.

The project involves a touring exhibition of artistic responses generated through a series of talks, tours and workshops specifically tailored to each location. The exhibition at Uillinn features a series of placards, drawing on modern Irish LGBTQ+ Activism and made by a group of LGBTQ+ young people who worked with artists Hannah Tiernan and Sarah Edmonson at Uillinn.

More information on events linked to this exhibition here. 

WCAC acknowledges the financial support of Arts Council Ireland and Cork County Council in making these exhibitions possible.

RFR at IMMA, image by Ros Kavanagh, 2022
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