Space In-between

Space In-between

“When you’re looking at two things, don’t look at them, look between them.”

John Baldessari, American conceptual artist

…liminal - occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold; relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process; depicting a sense of ‘in-between’; capturing transitional places; the space ‘in-between’ where difference touches the familiar that opens us up to new possibilities; ambiguity, blurring, layering, fluidity, waiting, journeying; positive/negative space…

Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre invites Artists from Cork County and City to respond creatively to the theme of Space In-between. You are invited to submit 1 to 3, small- to medium- scale works. Please note we will reserve the right to select the exhibition from the work submitted. Works can be of any 2D media and this may include painting, photography, print, mixed media etc. There is very limited space for 3D works, and they must be on a smaller scale.

Please only include work that has not been exhibited here before.

All works must be for sale and to be capped at sale price of €800

The exhibition will run from Saturday 20 July – Saturday 28 September and will be shown in our Stairwell and Link Galleries. The exhibition will coincide with Skibbereen Arts Festival 26 July – 4 August.

WCAC acknowledges the financial support of Arts Council Ireland and Cork County Council in making these exhibitions possible.

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