Saturday 28 March
Created by Kate McElroy
You might have started to hear the familiar buzz of bees in the air again and that is what we are painting! Join us to paint some of our lovely pollinator friends inspired by the work of Gabhann Dunne's exhibition 'Commited to Falling'.
You will need: paint, pencil, brushes, water colour paper / cardboard, circular tops of yogurt cartons or other clear plastic lids to act as frames. Share with us on social media using #UillinnConnect
Saturday 4 April
Created by Kate McElroy
We will be painting a bird in motion inspired by Gabhann Dunnes exhibition 'Commited to Falling'. Material needed: paint (ideally acrylic, otherwise whatever paints you have), brushes, card/cardboard and a teaspoon! Share with us on social media using #UillinnConnect